Many spiritual traditions suggest the Dakini is not only a mortal woman, devoted to sacred sexuality and the divinity of the human body, but an erotic lifeforce that transcends gender and social constructs.

A Dakini supports others with sexual healing and embodiment, to awaken their eros and shift energetic blockages and patterns to enjoy life to its fullest potential.

She is a soul midwife of sexual transformation.

We support you to uncover the Dakini that lives in all of us.

about our soul work

Our workshops, trainings and immersions are uniquely curated to create a sense of ease and relaxation, awaken the senses and expand your experience of your own Eros.
By weaving ritual and the ceremonial arts with practical expertise and knowledge, you become the architect of your own sacred sexual experiences and learn to experience life as the ritual.

We draw on ancient Tantric methodologies, our own personal experiences over many years of working with clients, trauma-informed somatic education and the teachings of modern day mystery schools to offer you what is most holy….

Full Presence


Full Body Divination.

  • Co-Founder of the Dakini Academy

    I am a writer, certified yoga teacher, transformational soul guide, leadership mentor and Sacred Sexual Healer. My greatest gifts and pleasure is to see through the outer layers of people’s exterior and support the externalisation of the beautiful landscape that lives within.

    My work is holistic - connecting you with mind, body, heart and soul. Using embodiment, Tantric practice and deep esoteric wisdom I call forth the parts in you ready to emerge and flower.

    I work with sexuality as a pulse of life which transcends sexual acts or physicality but is a porous, regenerative and creative cocktail which can radically expand our sense of self and experience of life. 

    There is no one tradition or path I believe we should follow. In connecting more deeply to myself and the inherent wisdom of my womb and sensuality, I learnt to follow the simple and ecstatic heartbeat of lifeforce. The fruits of this path continues to reveal as I live in deep and delicious intimacy with myself, others and the earth.

    • Yoga Teacher Training 200 + 100 hr, New Zealand

    • Kashmiri Trika Shaivism Tantra massage training, New Zealand

    • International School of TempleArts (Spiritual, Sexual, Shamanic experience), New Zealand

    • Embodied Feminine Mystery Training, ‘Magdalena’, Global

    • Temple Trainings in Soul Initiation school, New Zealand

    • Teachings of the Temple, esoteric wisdom

    • Dark Apprenticeship, non-dual teachings and shamanism

    • Trauma-informed Healers, Gabor Maté

    • Trauma-informed Eros Facilitation, Evolve Eros

  • Co-Founder of The Dakini Academy & Founder of Serpensensual

    I’m a Tantra Teacher, a Tantric Massage Therapist, a Mystic, Sacred Sexuality Educator and a worshipper of the Divine,

    I have dedicated my life to temple work- the remembering of divinity in everything: in the mundane, in the unseen; in our own flesh and bones.

    Coming across Tantra- in a very humid, hot little beach hut in Thailand, changed my lives in ways that in that moment, I could’ve only dreamt about. It was an answer to questions that had been living within me without me knowing their desperate searching for answers. Learning about Tantra felt like a balm to the parts of me that always felt disconnected, unmet in intimacy and authenticity.

    From that moment I knew this knowledge had to be shared.

    Tantra is a beautiful umbrella term and refuge for something that I believe all of us humans are longing for- it can be found in many traditions and lineages.

    That feeling of being truly seen, and deeply loved there.

    A felt sense that there is more than the naked eye can see.


    Homecoming in this lifetime, and not after or the next.

    But it’s not just Tantra, Tantra is the packaging, the story that is being told. The first step.


    Let us show you.

    • Yoga Teacher Training 500hr (Hatha, Ashtanga & Iyengar), India

    • Shamanism & Tantra Training 500hr, Ecuador

    • Tantra Massage Training, Tantra Movement, Thailand

    • International School of Temple Arts; Level 1,2 & 3, Greece and New Zealand

    • Temple Training in Soul Initiation Mystery School Highden, New Zealand (49 weeks in training)

    • Embodied Feminine Mystery Training ‘Magdalena’ , Global (8 weeks)

    • LomiLomi Massage Training, New Zealand

    • Honohono Traditional Maori Healing, New Zealand

Our mission

To awaken your eros, free your sexuality and transform your life.

We can support you to….

◉ Come into deeper presence with yourself and feel at home in your body 

◉ Unwind emotional and energetic blockages that can inhibit sensation and pleasure

◉ Develop capacity to explore and articulate your desires

◉ Transform your relationship to self and others including friends, partners and children

◉ Feel more connected to the world around us and the subtle realms of sensing and feeling

◉ Deepen your enjoyment of the simple pleasures of life

◉ Navigate transitions in life including, deaths, divorce, spiritual and sexual awakenings 

◉ Own and honour your inherent soul gifts, power and purpose  

◉ Experience a more present, ecstatic and joyful way of living

◉ Full more fully alive.


  • wisdom of the soul

    Align with your own personal compass and stay true to what you hold sacred.

  • Intuition

    Develop your ability to see what is unseen and cultivate insight through feeling and sensing.

  • void/ non-dual

    Re-orientate to ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’ with a willingness to explore more mysterious terrain.

  • practical knowledge

    Education to explore your edges, expand your capacity and develop mastery of your craft.

  • Heart Mysteries

    Expand your hearts compassion and the innate intelligence of your body not your mind.

The Dakini Academy is a school

for the lovers,

the mystics,

code crackers and rule breakers

Those who know that life is meant for truly LIVING

Hearts for loving

And bodies for worshipping.

Your sexuality

Your humanity

All of you is welcome,


find your own way